We were accepting abstract for 3 categories of presentation: lectures, QI projects, posters.
Because our focus is on Czech and Slovak medical graduates working abroad as International Medical Graduates, we kindly ask you to submit only if:
- You are medical doctor graduated from Czech or Slovak medical school and working abroad (not in Czechia or Slovakia)
- Or you are a medical student at one of the schools in Czechia or Slovakia
Submissions are now CLOSED.
Abstract limit is 500 words
Lectures on any medical or surgical topic intended for audience of medical students and junior doctors and clinicians (nurse practitioners, physician associates, etc).
Time limit: 20 minutes
Additional 5 minutes for Q&A section
QI projects
Quality improvement projects from your service or institution related to medicine or medical education.
Time limit: 5 minutes
Slide limit: 5 slides 10 slides
No Q&A section
Simple poster or presentation on projects or topics related to medicine or medical education.
Time limit: 5 minutes
Slide limit: 5 slides (excl. first & last) or simple poster
No Q&A section