Claim your certificate

Thank you for attending MUDr Talks: Spring Meeting 2021. You can claim your certificate of attendance here until 14th of April 2021 when feedback window closes.

We hope you enjoyed the content and had a good time. Remember, we do this project for free and in our free time. We are keen to improve but we need your help. In return for your Certificate of attendance we would like to ask you to fill out our feedback form. Its purpose is twofold – to close the loop and help us grow, and for research purposes.


It is important that we as organisers and our speakers understand what you liked and disliked and what can be improved and how. We cannot do this alone and we are open to constructive criticism.

Let us know what you think.


We are conducting research on experiences of Czech and Slovak medical graduates working abroad as International Medical Graduates (IMGs). We would like to understand your experience and plot it against experience of doctors in Czechia and Slovakia.

If you would like to access research survey without the feedback you can do so here. Feel free to share it with other Czech and Slovak IMGs. Please note no certificate will be awarded.

Fill out the form below

If you have technical difficulties with the form, you can access it directly via Google Forms link here.

How we collect data

All data we collect are using Google Forms platform using MUDr Talks account. This account is managed by Dr Timotej Vataha and the whole MUDr Talks team has permission to access it.

In this form we collect your name and e-mail address solely for the purpose of the certificate generation and delivery. You can rest assured that your name and e-mail address will be deleted from the spreadsheet once feedback collection period has ended. Rest of the anonymised data collected will be stored indefinitely.

Anonymised data we collect will be used for feedback to the speakers and for research, quality assurance and education purposes, including publication in journals.